Sunday, November 4, 2012

Did Joe Biden Make a Misstatement About Training of the Afghanistan Forces?

The concept for US and NATO exit of Afghanistan is to train the Afghans themselves to police their country and have their own military to keep out the Taliban and prevent re-infiltration of Al Qaeda as a place of refuge. That won't be so easy even if some claim it is a mission in progress and will be completed in time for troop withdrawal. Not likely, but let's talk about this shall we?

During the October Vice Presidential debates Joe Biden promised the American People that the Afghan forces would be ready to take over and we'd have a complete withdrawal by a certain date. But apparently, it will be impossible to meet that goal even by 2014. So, one could ask; did Joe Biden tell another one of his untruths, fabrications, falsified stories, misleading statements, phony propaganda purportions, misinformed realities, deceiving diatribes, or BS nonsensical comments? Okay so, let's talk, because really no one would put that past Joe.
You see, there was an interesting report was put out on October 30th that the Afghan forces will not be ready to secure the country because only 40% of the posts have been filled, and the recruiters have run out of folks there which meet the basic criteria of skills to be trained. In other words, they don't have enough able bodied men who have the proper IQ level or even ability to learn how to shoot a gun or the basics needed to work in a security detail.
Oh there are probably more potential candidates but they are afraid to sign up, or they are already working for the other side. Meanwhile, Iran has gone in with aid and is buying off loyalty for intelligence information, even helping to set up "blue on green" attacks of NATO and US Forces. It seems that when Obama got the troops out of Iraq, he also left a vacuum which is also being filled by Iran. In fact, Iran seems to be making the Obama Administration look completely incompetent by exposing the reality that President Obama is unfit to lead, which by now I think most Americans already know.
Oh it gets worse, because now the price of Opium is way up and the farmers can make 15-times what they make growing poppies than any other cash crop. So, once the US and NATO leaves, there will be money flow and not-so-nice people coming in to re-control the area. Now with Iran having their signature on that future as well, you can expect we will have a whole bunch of shady characters who hate the West making a perfect breeding ground for more of the same.
Essentially that means the Obama Administration has totally failed, and the US taxpayers still holds the bag, with a $1 Trillion invoice owed by all of us. Thanks for nothing Obama, and Joe thanks for another one of your misstatements to the American People. Please consider all this and think on it.
Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.


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