Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our Nations Future

    A couple times during this campaign I heard Obama make a statement that is probably one of his most honest. He said there are two conflicting views of how we see the future of our nation which will drive how people vote. One is; do we want to remain a free people living under the constitution or do we want a socialized society where government controls the lives of the people? I don't know if these are the visions Obama had in mind, but I believe these are the sum of all issues in this election.
    It is no secret looking into what information we have of Obama's past that he wants a socialized society with bigger government control. During his first term he has assumed with impunity more power than any president in our history. He once said that if congress won't get done what he wants he will find a way to do it himself, and he has. With the media in his pocket, the liberals in congress and in the courts, he has been able to move his agenda ahead in his first term with remarkable success. And we are living the fruits of his labors.

So our vote this election is a mandate to our future. Will we be a free people or will we be a people in bondage. A vote for Obama is a vote to continue what he has laid down in his first term. A vote for Romney will give us opportunity to begin to recapture what our forefathers ordained for us in the constitution. It will only be a beginning and will take years to recover but if freedom was worth the fight then it is worth the fight now.
    Many may be tempted to believe that this will not happen. However it was Ronald Reagan who said: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. "
    This threat to our freedom did not occur with the Obama administration. It has been slowly working its way into our government for many decades. But the Obama administration has managed to put it on the fast track. If we do not vote to derail this, the opportunity may be lost. We need to do this to guarantee these rights for future generations and as a tribute to those in our past who sacrificed there all for our country.


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